Tuesday, June 26, 2012

What is Ipsative Assessment and Why Would I Use It?

I read a recent post on the Questionmark Blog by John Kleeman, the founder of Questionmark, that I wanted to share with you. I have long been a fan of ipsative assessment since it allows you to compare a test-takers results against their own previous results. This is a great method for assessment when you are dealing with individual students, students in special education, those involved in career and technical education, and employees. The basic question you are trying to answer is, "Are their skills better today than they were yesterday?"

Please take a few minutes to read the following post by Mr. Kleeman and think about your needs when assessing your students or employees:

As I’m writing this, I’ve just got back from the gym, where I beat my personal best distance on an exercise bike. What’s this got to do with computerized assessment, you might ask? Hear me out.

You’re probably familiar with norm-referenced testing and criterion-referenced testing :
  • A norm-referenced test compares a test-taker against his or her peers. For example, you might compare my results with those of my Questionmark colleagues. (If you did, then seeing how energetic many are in the gym, I suspect my performance would not compare well!)
  • A criterion-referenced test measures a test-taker against external criteria. For example, it might be that people of a certain age should be expected to reach a certain distance in a certain time on an exercise bike.
A third type is sometimes called ipsative assessment.
  • An ipsative assessment in an education/learning context compares a test-taker’s results against his or her previous results. This is how I measure myself at the gym – I am pleased that I am doing better than I have before. I’m not worried if this meets some external criteria or if I’m better or worse than other people.
It’s very common to use criterion-referenced tests as computerized assessments because they help us measure competence. If you want to be sure that your employees know the rules, if you want to validate a pilot to fly a plane, or if you want to check that someone has understood training, a criterion-referenced test is usually the way to go.
But an advantage of ipsative assessment is that it measures progress and development – a test-taker can see if he or she is improving and whether or not he/she is taking advantage of feedback from previous assessments. Using ipsative assessment can help all test-takers improve: A weaker performer will be encouraged by seeing performance improvements over earlier attempts, and a stronger performer can be challenged to do better. This can deal with the risks of the weaker performer becoming demotivated from a poor test result and the strong performer complacent from a good one. Ipsative assessment can be used for objective measures (e.g. did I get a better score?) and also for more subjective measures (e.g. am I more confident about something?)...
...To learn more on ipsative assessment in education and learning, one resource is this study by Dr Gwyneth Huges of the Institute of Education. (As a heads-up, the term ipsative measure is also used in a different, technical way in psychological testing as a within-person measure.)
Expertise is built up by deliberate practice, and being tested can help identify where that practice is needed. I think it’s helpful for all of us to remember that progress and improvement is a useful thing to measure as well as achievement and competency.
Click HERE to read the post in its' entirety.

Monday, June 18, 2012

A New Record in Cheating on College Entrance Exams?

A 35-foot long cheat sheet with 25,000 answers?

That's right and I'm appalled yet very impressed at the thought of that much test preparation. Just think of the time, effort, and creativity involved in creating such a cheat sheet and I wonder how you could possibly access it once it is wrapped around your body? Couldn't you just pass the test anyway after doing that much test prep?
The Austrian Times reported that "a high school student has been expelled after being caught with a 35ft long crib sheet wrapped around his body during his university entrance exam in Kazakhstan. ...Education authority spokesman Bolatzhan Uskenbayev said: "If he'd put half as much effort into studying as he did into cheating he would have sailed through the exam with a distinction. It's a pity too see all that work come to nothing but he cheated, and that's not allowed."
I've seen small cheat sheets, answers written on erasers or on calculators, people copying off of someone else's test, or notes being passed, but this takes cheating to a whole new level.

How many of you think this budding evil genius will soon be demonstrating his talents on YouTube by creating the next cheating video that goes viral? Is there a category for this in the Guinness World Records? If not, will they create one? Will someone try and establish a new record? If so and you don't get caught, could you actually report the new record?

On a more serious note, it is sad that any individual would put that much pressure upon himself to perform well or possibly be that lazy that he didn't properly prepare and resorted to cheating.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Animal Science - A New Curriculum Product from CIMC

I want to introduce you to another new product from CIMC:

Animal Science is based on the competencies set by the Division of Agricultural Education at the Oklahoma Department of Career and Technology Education. Students typically take this course after completing Introduction to Agriscience, also known as Agricultural Education I. This product features a full-color student and teacher edition. The activities and assignments are included along with PowerPoints® and tests in Word® and rich text format for ExamView® conversion on a Teacher Resource CD (AG 8006).

Units include:
•Livestock Safety
•Animal Genetics and Selection
•Nutrition, Feeds and Additives
•Reproductive Anatomy and Fertility
•Breeding Management
•Parturition and Newborn Care
•Livestock Health Fundamentals
•Livestock Diseases and Parasites
•Vaccinations and Medications
•Livestock Management Practices
•Market Grades and Classes
•Livestock Marketing

Animal Science is in the Animal Systems pathway in the Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources Cluster. We are offering unit 4, "Reproductive Anatomy and Fertility," as a free sample for you to download. Free Reproductive Anatomy and Fertility sample

In case you didn't know... CIMC develops quality, competency-based instructional products and services for career and technology education. High quality, industry-endorsed curriculum and related instructional materials are essential to quality occupational education programs in Oklahoma and the nation.

Contact CIMC's customer service department at 800.654.4502 for prices and availability!