Here is a list of open and free learning resources which I will be updating from time to time:
(Let me know if you have anything you would like to add to the list)
The worldwide OER movement is rooted in the idea that equitable access to high-quality education is a global imperative. Open Educational Resources, or OER, offer opportunities for systemic change in teaching and learning through accessible content, and importantly, through embedding participatory processes and effective technologies for engaging with learning.
■Mathematics and Statistics
■Science and Technology
■Social Sciences
Online courses from the world’s top scholars.
With a library of 2,400+ videos covering everything from arithmetic to physics, finance, and history and practice exercises, Khan is on a mission to help you learn whatever you want, whenever you want, at your own pace.
Wisc-Online is a digital library of objects that have been developed primarily by faculty from the Wisconsin Technical College System (WTCS) and produced by multimedia technicians who create the learning objects. These learning objects are basically small chunks of learning that include animations, simulations, case studies, drill and practice, and templates.
Find peer reviewed online teaching and learning materials. Share advice and expertise about education with expert colleagues.
MIT OpenCourseWare is a permanent MIT activity to provide free publication of MIT course materials that reflects almost all the undergraduate and graduate subjects taught at MIT.
Founded in 1996, the World Public Library Association is a global coordinated effort to preserve and disseminate classic works of literature, serials, bibliographies, dictionaries, encyclopedias, and other reference works in a number of languages and countries around the world.
Making the world’s educational videos to make them universally accessible and down-loadable to change the way we learn, to revolutionize the education system and rise the quality of education.
VideoLectures.NET is a free and open access educational video lectures repository. The lectures are given by distinguished scholars and scientists at the most important and prominent events like conferences, summer schools, workshops and science promotional events from many fields of Science.
A site for free university lectures.
TED started as a conference to bring about people from the areas of technology, entertainment, and design, but the scope has grown considerably. There are currently 900+ videos demonstrating "ideas worth spreading."
Brings together cultural & educational media for the worldwide lifelong learning community.
A site offering free science videos and lectures.
Created by the Discovery Channel, their goal is to engage students through dynamic curricular resources like Discovery Education streaming Plus and Discovery Education Science. They support teachers through customized professional development and assessment services, all leading to improved student achievement.
U.S. Geological Survey Educational Videos and Animations provides scientific information intended to help educate the public about natural resources, natural hazards, geospatial data, and issues that affect our quality of life. Discover selected online resources, including lessons, data, maps, and more, to support teaching, learning, education (K-12), and university-level inquiry and research.
The Notre Dame OpenCourseWare is a free and open educational resource for faculty, students, and self-learners throughout the world.
Tufts University is expanding its reach, working across traditional boundaries to grasp and meet the global community's most critical needs. This begins with sharing knowledge among colleagues, between departments, among schools and finally across countries and continents.
You may freely preview and download all of the content from Stanford on iTunes U.
UC Berkeley's central service for online video & audio for students and learners around the globe.
Open Yale Courses provides free and open access to a selection of introductory courses taught by distinguished teachers and scholars at Yale University.
Open.Michigan is a University of Michigan initiative that enables faculty, students, and others to share their educational resources and research with the global learning community.
A site providing thousands of downloadable video lectures.
NYU already had educational videos and podcasts on YouTube and iTunes, but now they offer the entire content of some of their courses. In the current pilot phase, NYU is offering four courses; American Literature I, Introduction to Sociology, Genomes & Diversity, and New York City: A Social History.
■University Channels on