The three main areas to the Horizon Report are:
1. Technology Trends and Timeline
2. Key Trends3. Challenges
This year’s Horizon Report identifies mobile apps and tablet computing as technologies expected to enter mainstream use in the first horizon of one year or less. Game-based learning and learning analytics are seen in the second horizon of two to three years; gesture-based computing and the Internet of Things are seen emerging in the third horizon of four to five years. (Please read the report in it's entirety by clicking HERE)
Time-to-Adoption Horizon: One Year or Less
- Mobile Apps
- Tablet Computing
- Game-Based Learning
- Learning Analytics
- Gesture-Based Computing
- Internet of Things
- Blended learning via online programs, hybrid learning and collaborative models are taking hold
- Working and Learning are anytime, anywhere activities
- Cloud computing is becoming more common and IT decentralized
- Classroom learning is becoming more active and challenge based
- Student work is becoming more collaborative as work and learning organizations are moving to collaborative and collective models of work
- New Metrics for evaluation are needed in a web centric classroom
- Digital Media literacy is an important skill in all professions
- Traditional models of education are giving way to new modes due to economic pressures and student need
- Resistance to change and new technology by educational institutions
- New publishing modes such as social networks are challenging traditional research and scholarly resources putting pressure on libraries and schools to support new modes of curating scholarship
Wait! I'm still trying to catch up to 2010!