Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Testing Liaison Updates

As the testing season begins, please be aware of the following updates:

1. We are asking for the student's WAVE ID number on our competency tests. If the student does not have a WAVE ID number yet, they can still use a social security number, school ID or other unique numerical identifier for the student. If the number they use is not 10-digits long, they will need to add zeroes to the FRONT of the number. For example, if the student's id number is 445566, this will need to be input in the WAVE ID field as 0000445566.

2. If you need certificates, you may use the certificate pdf file that you have used in the past. Starting January 2009, we will have a new competency certificate available that will be printed at ODCTE and mailed to the testing liaisons.

3. Check our website regularly for updates: http://www.careertechtesting.com/

4. Testing/Data policies (i.e. when to test, waiting period, etc.) can be accessed in the 2008 Testing Liaison Policies and Procedures.

5. The Passport to Financial Literacy Act legislation requires instruction in financial literacy for all students in Oklahoma, beginning with those who start 7th grade in the 2008-09 academic year. The CareerTech Testing Center has developed skills standards and a test that address these requirements and CIMC (Curriculum and Instructional Materials Center) now offers "Life Skills: Financial Literacy Skills" that addresses all 14 content areas listed in the recently passed legislation.

6. Please forward the blog to anyone, on or off your campus, that may benefit from the information and ask them to join. The membership continues to grow and we hope you will provide your comments as well. It's also our hope that this will evolve into an exchange of ideas concerning testing and career and technology education. Please let us know if you happen to find something interesting that would be relevant to the blog and we will post it as well.

And remember, you can always check the Testing Liaison Updates link located in the left-hand column of the blog. J.T.

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