Thursday, May 7, 2009

SREB and the CareerTech Testing Center

I just wanted to announce that you can now find the CareerTech Testing Center Blog on SREB!

I made a previous post in January about The Southern Regional Education Board (SREB). They had launched a first-of-its-kind Web site, SREB Online Teachers, that will help online teachers in SREB states connect with each other, find and share best practices, pursue professional development, and more.

The website offers resources and support in: Instruction, Digital Content, What's Happening, What Works, and Professional Development. They also offer "Cool Tools for Teaching Online: Social Media/Web 2.0 Applications for Online Teachers."

You will find the CareerTech Testing Center Blog under SREB's What's Happening section of their website. SREB has also added several of our posts to their listservs over the last couple of months as well. Thank you SREB for helping us get the word out! J.T.

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