Wednesday, February 24, 2010

It's ONLY Wednesday...Are You "Facing the Giants"?

Do you ever have one of those mornings? You know the kind I'm talking about. You don't want to get up, you're running late, the coffee doesn't seem to be doing it's thing and then on your drive to work, you realize that it's only WEDNESDAY!

I know....are you depressed yet? Then you get to work, turn on your computer, and begin to check all of the emails that arrived after you left work on Tuesday.  As I'm scrolling through the dozen or so emails I noticed one from a friend. He was actually sending a YouTube video for my son to watch, but I have to admit it's a great video from a movie that I had seen quite awhile ago.

It's a great "WEDNESDAY" morning boost and I wanted to share it with you. Even if you aren't a great sports fan, it contains a great message so I hope you will enjoy the following six minute clip from "Facing the Giants."

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