Thursday, July 8, 2010

An Introduction to Social Media - For Learning and Performance Enhancement

Jane Hart, from Jane's E-Learning Pick of the Day, has surpassed her own high standards with her newest blog post.

"Introduction to Social Media" is a MUST READ for anyone interested in social media.  Whether you are just starting out or if you are searching for ways to grow your online presence I highly recommend reading this post.

This resource looks at the key social media technologies and tools and how they can be used for learning and performance enhancement. This is also a social resource as it also provides the opportunity for you to provide your own experiences of using social tools for learning.

Jane divides her introduction into the follwing sixteen areas and each area has lots and lots of resources to help you understand each social media tool:
  1. Introduction
  2. Social networking
  3. Micro-blogging
  4. Social bookmarking
  5. Blogging
  6. RSS - Really Simple Syndication
  7. Podcasting
  8. File sharing
  9. Email
  10. Instant Messaging
  11. Web meetings
  12. Wikis
  13. Online office suites
  14. Personal dashboards
  15. Social and collaboration platforms
  16. Social course management systems
Please take a look and bookmark this post (obviously a social bookmark)!

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