Wednesday, October 19, 2011

10 Open Educational Resources That You Should Know About

Social media is a funny thing and I'm sure there are some deep-rooted sociological reasons for its success, but people truly have a need and a desire to feel connected and to learn from each other. I have to agree with Richard Byrne as he recently stated that Personal Learning Networks (PLN's) are better characterized as Personal Sharing Networks. "Sharing" is truly the essence of social media, especially when used for professional/educational reasons.

In the spirit of sharing resources, I wanted to draw your attention to a Mind/Shift article, 10 Open Education Resources You May Not Know About (But Should), in which Audrey Watters states:
We have looked here before at how OCW has shaped education in the last ten years, but in many ways much of the content that has been posted online remains very much “Web 1.0.” That is, while universities have posted their syllabi, handouts, and quizzes online, there has not been — until recently — much “Web 2.0″ OCW resources — little opportunity for interaction and engagement with the material.

But as open educational resources and OCW increase in popularity and usage, there are a number of new resources out there that do offer just that. You probably already know about: Khan Academy and Wikipedia, for example. But in the spirit of 10 years of OCW, here’s a list of 10 cool OER and OCW resources that you might not know about, but should know:
Click HERE to read the list!
I hope you will become members of the CareerTech Testing Center's PLN by following us on this blog, Facebook, Twitter, and/or our wiki, iTeach-CareerTech.

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