Monday, November 14, 2011

What Technology Skills Should an Educator Possess?

I read a post by Laura Turner on the Digital Learning Environments site that I wanted to share with you.

"20 Technology Skills that Every Educator Should Have" made me pause and wonder about the technology strengths and weaknesses that I possess. I think I know quite a bit about many of the skills listed below, but do I know enough to help others? I think that is where laziness has set in. I probably know more than many of my peers and staying at that level of knowledge is nothing short of lazy because it serves no one except myself. I need to gain a more in-depth knowledge of these skills and share.

Realistically, you would probably not use all of these technologies, but you should be knowledgeable about each of them and how it could be/might be used in a classroom. At the least, I hope you will increase your knowledge in a few of these areas and then share what you know with others!

Here are the "20 Technology Skills that Every Educator Should Have:"
  1. Google Tools Knowledge
  2. Google Earth Knowledge
  3. Wiki Knowledge
  4. Blogging Knowledge
  5. Spreadsheets Skills
  6. Database Skills
  7. Social Bookmarking Knowledge
  8. Social Networking Knowledge
  9. Web Resources in content area
  10. Web Searching skills
  11. Web2.0 Tools
  12. Interactive White Board skills (SmartBoard and Promethean)
  13. Website design and management skills
  14. Presentation Tools
  15. IM knowledge
  16. Video and Podcasting
  17. RSS feeds
  18. Mobile and Handheld Computing
  19. Virtual Worlds
  20. Collaboration & Communication Tools
The article also includes detailed information about the first 5 technology skills. The rest are discussed in the articles below:
20 Technology Skills that Every Educator Should Have, Part 3
20 Technology Skills that Every Educator Should Have, Part 4


  1. Good Grief! Just when I started to feel like I was breaking that barrier between knowing about tech tools and using them, a list like this comes along. It makes me realize that I haven't even scratched the surface. Even with blogging, tweeting, emailing, facebook, skype, moodle, and who knows what else I'm into, I have so much more to learn about, to try. It is exciting, frustrating, and rewarding all at the same time. Well, old dog, new trick time once again.

  2. wow...nice inspiration...I try to follow your advice...right now ..thank so much.
