Monday, February 27, 2012

70 Jobs for 2030

(From Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, John Hughes, 1986)

Cameron: I don’t know what I’m gonna do.
Sloane: College.
Cameron: Yeah, but to do what?
Sloane: What are you interested in?
Cameron: Nothing.
Sloane: Me neither. … What do you think Ferris is gonna do?
Cameron: He’s gonna be a fry-cook on Venus.
So if you don't want to be a fry cook on Venus or in Bikini Bottom with SpongeBob SquarePants what about some of the following occupations listed by The World Future Society; an organization served with making those predictions. In their recently released special report (PDF) these were among some of the 70 specific jobs predicted for 2030.
  • Amnesia surgeon (my personal favorite)
  • Astro-farmer
  • Astro-teacher
  • Augmented reality architect
  • Autonomous vehicle operator
  • Avatar relationship manager
  • Bio-botic physician
  • Bio-botist assistant
  • Bioregenerative integrator
  • Chef-farmer (agri-restaurateur)
  • Clone rancher
  • Digital archaeologist
  • Digital identity planner
  • Drone dispatcher
  • Energy harvester
  • Environmental health nurse
  • Exobotanist
  • Exozoologist
  • Extinction revivalist
  • Global system architect
  • Grassroots researcher
  • Holodeck trainer
  • Mobile biomass therapist
  • Personal care coordinator
  • Plant psychologists
  • Robotic earthworm driver
  • Robotician
  • Smart car interior advertisement sales representative
  • Smart car interior designer
  • Smart road designer/engineer
  • Smart road sensor control monitor/analyst
  • Space junk hauler
  • Space junk recycler
  • Space resource reclaimer
  • Space sweeper
  • Telecop
  • Wiki writer
Can you envision today’s high school or college students carrying out jobs like these? How do we train students today for many of the high-tech jobs of tomorrow? The answer continues to get more difficult with the rapid advancements in technology, but I believe one of the best solutions is Oklahoma's CareerTech system. Their ability to meet and adapt to industry's needs within a short time frame as we face these unprecedented challenges is something that is unique to CTE. Staying abreast of these shaping forces will help us to support students in identifying and acquiring the abilities and skills they need to succeed in this very different and amazing world. I don't know about you, but it makes me excited for the future!

1 comment:

  1. 2030, that's only 18 years away. Babies born today will be the ones preparing for these jobs. By my figures, that will make me 78 years old, WOW! I guess I hope they do find a a cure for amnesia and we better throw in one for Alzheimer's as well. And that personal care coordinator sounds like a good idea, too.
