Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The "Power" of a Teacher

I found an article, written by Lauren Delgado, in the Jackson County Floridian that I wanted to share with you. It demonstrates the lifelong effect that one teacher can have on a student. It's not just about the reading, writing, and math, but those moments that we can influence an individual in a positive way. I hope you will read the article in its entirety:
Student Thanks Teacher Decades Later

About 31 years ago, a first-grade student decided to cheat on her spelling test. The “why” behind that decision was complicated. Her parents had been arguing back then and eventually divorced. She felt she hadn’t studied enough, so she put a list of the words on her lap.

The test began. The teacher began walking around the room, and on one of those rounds, the little slip of paper fell to the ground.

Instead of severely punishing the girl (corporal punishment was legal back then), the teacher sat her down while the other kids went to recess and had a long “adult” conversation about doing the right thing.

(Click HERE to read the rest of the article)
Have you thanked a teacher lately?

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