Wednesday, January 13, 2016

The Educator's Guide to Hashtags

Follow us on Twitter!  @CareerTechTest
Whether you're a social media novice or not, hashtags may seem confusing and inessential. These short links (hashtags) preceded by the pound sign (#) are integral to the way we communicate online and it's important to know how to use them.

Can hashtags be fun? Absolutely!

On Twitter, the pound sign (or hash) turns any word or group of words into a searchable link. This allows you to organize content and track discussion topics based on those keywords. So, if you want to post about the NFL Super Bowl, you would include #SuperBowl in your tweet to join the conversation (or simply search for the hashtag to follow the discussion). Clicking on a hashtag will allow you to see all the posts that mention the subject in real time.

I also recommend using a social media management platform, such as HooteSuite, TweetDeck, etc., where you can create columns with hashtag topics.  I like the ability to monitor several discussions, i.e. #edchat, #lrnchat, #careerteched, at once and all on the same screen.

I've created a list of popular educational hashtags and tried to categorize them for you (see below). It definitely isn't all inclusive, but it's a good starting point and I hope you will share any new educational hashtags you find interesting and helpful!  (Also, hashtags are now a staple to social media and their use has been extended to other social media platforms.)

Popular Educational Hashtags

Hashtag Category

Career and Technology Education



Distance Education

Groups and Chats
#edchat Educational Technology
#educhat Education Chat
#lrnchat Social Media and Education
#oklaed Oklahoma Education Chat

#blendchat Blended Learning
#blendedlearning Blended Learning
#elearning Electronic Learning
#flipclass Blended Learning
#GBL Game-Based Learning
#ntchat New Teachers
#onlinelearning Blended Learning
#pbl/#pblchat Project-Based Learning
#studentcentered Blended Learning

#efl English as a Foreign Language
#ell English Language Learning
#esl English as a Second Languae
#tesol Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages


#educational videos
#TLChat Twitter Librarians
#TT Teacher Tuesday where educators suggest others to follow

Special Needs
#gifted Gifted Education
#GTChat Gifted Education
#spedchat Special Education


#blendchat Blended Learning
#BYOD Bring Your Own Device
#EdApps Educational Apps
#edtech Educational Technology
#edtechchat Educational Technology
#elearning Electronic Learning
#ipadchat iPad
#iNACOL International Association of Online Learning
#iste International Society for Technology in Education
#mlearning Mobile Learning
#mobile Mobile Learning
#slide2learn iDevices and Learning
#vitalcpd Effective Use of Technology in the Classroom

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