Tuesday, August 31, 2010

What Twitter Has Done for Me

I know many of you probably roll your eyes at the mention of Twitter. I mean after all, what could you possibly learn or share in 140 characters or less? 

I felt the same way as most of you. I signed up for a Twitter account and saw tweets from people I know that were taking their dog for a walk in Cental Park and I know it sounds terrible, but I just really don't care!

After a year or so, I began to read about personal learning networks (PLN's) and I began to understand what Twitter can actually do for you professionally. Let me first explain that a PLN is all about using web 2.0 tools (i.e. blogs, wikis, Twitter, Facebook, etc.) to create a connection with others which extends your learning and increases your reflection as a part of a global community. An important outcome of this is that it increases your opportunities to ask questions and to receive help compared to your normal daily face-to-face interactions.

I hope you will think about creating a PLN, if you haven't done so already, and if you have, I hope you will include me in your PLN by following this blog or by following me on Twitter (@CareerTechTest), Facebook, or LinkedIn.

To get a better understanding of what I'm talking about, PLEASE read the following blog post entitled:

What Twitter Has Done for Me (you may have to scroll down to see the beginning of the post) and create your own PLN!

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