Thursday, September 2, 2010

Department of Treasury Proposes Financial Education Core Competencies

I was reading the CTE Policy Watch Blog last night and I noticed their post from a few days ago concerning U.S. Department of the Treasury's notice in the Federal Register inviting the public to comment on a proposed set of financial education core competencies.

The CTE Policy Watch Blog post states:

According to the Financial Literacy and Education Commission, the financial education field lacks a standard curriculum. Specifically, there is no agreement on the appropriate basic content for financial literacy and education. In response, the Commission developed a set of core competencies, which would help establish a better understanding of what individuals should know and the basic concepts program providers should cover. The Department identified five core concept areas:
  • Earning
  • Spending
  • Saving
  • Borrowing
  • Protecting against risk
Specific core competencies for each concept area can be found in the table in the Federal Register.
Ultimately, the Department’s goal is to format these core competencies in such a way that is easily remembered, such as the ``food pyramid,'' and they could have an impact on financial literacy instruction in schools and CTE programs. Therefore, it is important to comment by September 12 if you have any input on the Department’s proposed set of financial education core competencies. Comments are requested specifically on whether the list of Core Competencies is complete and whether there are portions that should be deleted, revised, or expanded. Written comments can be sent via e-mail to or by mail to the Department of the Treasury, Office of Financial Education and Financial Access, 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20220.

Please visit the Association for Career and Technical Education's (ACTE) website for more great information on career and technology education.

Here are a couple of additional Financial Literacy resources:

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